Mutant Survival

Mutant Survival is a Minecraft map created by Syclone Studios for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

Syclone Studios has created a insanely popular world called Mutant Survival.

Players are in love with this world , earning an excellent average rating of 4.3 stars.


Launched on August 11, 2020

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Syclone Studios earned an average rating of 4.3 for Mutant Survival!

Syclone Studios

The citizens of a once idyllic town have become... unwelcoming, to put it mildly. Can you survive the mutant hordes? Craft, hunt, loot and scavenge to survive.
Immersive open world 2.0 multiplayer update with awesome new features
Variety of mutants with different behaviors
New tools, materials and custom crafting
Non-linear, long term gameplay
Full music & FX

Mutant Survival by Syclone Studios

5K+ ratings
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Minecoins 1510

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Syclone Studios did a great job creating Mutant Survival for the community.


Secure your own world! Learn More

SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital



by 57Digital

Secure YOUR world with laser doors, hidden entrances, security cameras, monitors, secret doors, and more... all placeable anywhere!

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Mutant Survival has the following product ID: 83dded85-ba96-4ee5-93fe-6b240955d305

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