Pure Classics Skins

Pure Classics Skins is a Minecraft skin pack created by BDcraft for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

BDcraft has created a great skin pack called Pure Classics Skins.

Players are in love with this skin pack , earning an excellent average rating of 4.6 stars.

β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…   😍   4.6 (400+ ratings)

BDcraft earned an average rating of 4.6 for Pure Classics Skins!


Rediscover and play as the heroes of PureBDcraft thanks to 40 original skins in HD! Contains 10 characters, each available in 4 different colour variations!

Play as Steve or Alex, a Piglin barbarian, a colourful Strider phoenix, an Evoker vampire, an Enderman from nightmares, a stinky Drown, a Wither Skeleton, a Creepy Ghost or even the legendary Creeper!

Pure Classics Skins by BDcraft

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Minecoins 160

Play Pure Classics Skins on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!

BDcraft did a great job creating Pure Classics Skins for the community.

Skins included (40)

Complete your Pure Classics Skins experience with skins such as Enderman, Drown Radioactive, and Wither Skeleton!

Creepy Ghost
Wither Skeleton
Alex /Blue
Steve /Green
Strider /Blue
Creeper /Ice
Piglin /Blue
Evoker /Green
Drown Radioactive
Enderman Blind
Creepy Ghost B&W
Wither Skeleton /Light
Alex /Green
Steve /Orange
Strider /Purple
Creeper /Pink
Piglin /Pink
Evoker /Light
Drown /Brown
Enderman /Light
Creepy Ghost Dark
Wither Skeleton /Gold
Alex /Red
Steve /Red
Strider /Green
Creeper /Blue
Piglin /Underdark
Evoker /Pink
Drown /Deep
Enderman /Party
Creepy Ghost /Steve
Wither Skeleton /Party


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Pure Classics Skins has the following product ID: 1735fa9a-0012-4848-a1ad-65d4bc5e5d4a

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