Fusion Mobs
Blu Shutter Bug
These are no ordinary mobs! Wait a minute! What in the World happened!? This fusion process must have malfunctioned! Oh no what are we gonna do now? Well, at least you have to admit they look Pretty awesome! Enjoy these Cool fusion skins!
Fusion Mobs by Blu Shutter Bug
Tags: fusion mobs ordinary wait minute world happened process malfunctioned gonna admit pretty awesome enjoy cool skins blaze amy carol dude edward jess mike ricky sarah scott creeper ender ghast skeleton spider villager villiager zombie blu shutter bug blaze amy blaze carol blaze dude blaze edward blaze jess blaze mike blaze ricky blaze sarah blaze scott creeper amy creeper carol creeper dude creeper edward creeper jess creeper mike creeper ricky creeper sarah creeper scott ender amy ender carol ender dude ender edward ender jess ender mike ender ricky ender sarah ender scott ghast amy ghast carol ghast dude ghast edward ghast jess ghast mike ghast ricky ghast sarah ghast scott skeleton amy skeleton carol skeleton dude skeleton edward skeleton jess skeleton mike skeleton ricky skeleton sarah skeleton scott spider amy spider carol spider dude spider edward spider ghast spider jess spider mike spider ricky spider scott villager amy villager carol villager dude villager edward villager jess villager mike villager ricky villager sarah villiager scott zombie amy zombie carol zombie dude zombie edward zombie jess zombie mike zombie ricky zombie sarah zombie scott fusion fusions mob mobs ordinary ordinaries wait waits minute minutes world worlds happened happeneds process processes malfunctioned malfunctioneds gonna gonnas admit admits pretty pretties awesome awesomes enjoy enjoys cool cools skin skins blaze blazes amy amies carol carols dude dudes edward edwards jess jesses mike mikes ricky rickies sarah sarahs scott scotts creeper creepers ender enders ghast ghasts skeleton skeletons spider spiders villager villagers villiager villiagers zombie zombies blu shutter bug blu shutter bugs
Get this skin pack!
Play Fusion Mobs on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!
Blu Shutter Bug did a great job creating Fusion Mobs for the community.
Skins included (72)
Complete your Fusion Mobs experience with skins such as Skeleton Amy, Spider Amy, and Spider Ghast!
Blaze Amy
Blaze Carol
Blaze Dude
Blaze Edward
Blaze Jess
Blaze Mike
Blaze Ricky
Blaze Sarah
Blaze Scott
Creeper Amy
Creeper Carol
Creeper Dude
Creeper Edward
Creeper Jess
Creeper Mike
Creeper Ricky
Creeper Sarah
Creeper Scott
Ender Amy
Ender Carol
Ender Dude
Ender Edward
Ender Jess
Ender Mike
Ender Ricky
Ender Sarah
Ender Scott
Ghast Amy
Ghast Carol
Ghast Dude
Ghast Edward
Ghast Jess
Ghast Mike
Ghast Ricky
Ghast Sarah
Ghast Scott
Skeleton Amy
Skeleton Carol
Skeleton Dude
Skeleton Edward
Skeleton Jess
Skeleton Mike
Skeleton Ricky
Skeleton Sarah
Skeleton Scott
Spider Amy
Spider Carol
Spider Dude
Spider Edward
Spider Ghast
Spider Jess
Spider Mike
Spider Ricky
Spider Scott
Villager Amy
Villager Carol
Villager Dude
Villager Edward
Villager Jess
Villager Mike
Villager Ricky
Villager Sarah
Villiager Scott
Zombie Amy
Zombie Carol
Zombie Dude
Zombie Edward
Zombie Jess
Zombie Mike
Zombie Ricky
Zombie Sarah
Zombie Scott
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Fusion Mobs has the following product ID: 536b415f-403e-48b5-b547-9576f0b97346
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