☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★★★ 😍 4.7 (29K+ ratings) ![Rating History Spyglass](/images/icons/spyglass.png)
Minecraft earned an average rating of 4.7 for Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... The Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack is now available. Choose from over 50 skins and play as some of your favorite Star Wars characters, Minecraft style.
Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack by Minecraft
Tags: star wars prequel skin pack long time ago galaxy choose skins play favorite characters minecraft style aayla secura adi gallia ahsoka tano asajj ventress bail organa queen amidala, battle dress droid c-3po beru whitesun lars boss nass cad bane captain panaka typho clone rex commander cody gree count dooku darth maul general grievous senator padmé geonosis hondo ohnaka infantry jango fett anakin skywalker, jedi knight obi-wan kenobi, master kashyyyk trooper ki-adi-mundi kit fisto lama su mace windu magna guard mas amedda mother talzin naboo throne room nute gunray owen peasant disguise phase pilot plo koon poggle lesser qui-gon jinn savage opress security palpatine shaak ti tion medon wat tambor watto zam wesell minecraft aayla secura adi gallia ahsoka tano asajj ventress bail organa queen amidala, battle dress battle droid c-3po beru whitesun lars boss nass c-3po battle droid cad bane captain panaka captain typho clone captain rex clone commander cody clone commander gree commander battle droid count dooku darth maul general grievous senator padmé amidala, geonosis hondo ohnaka infantry battle droid jango fett anakin skywalker, jedi knight obi-wan kenobi, jedi master kashyyyk trooper ki-adi-mundi kit fisto lama su mace windu magna guard mas amedda mother talzin queen amidala, naboo throne room nute gunray owen lars padmé amidala, peasant disguise phase clone trooper pilot battle droid padmé amidala, pilot disguise plo koon poggle lesser qui-gon jinn savage opress security battle droid senator palpatine shaak ti tion medon wat tambor watto zam wesell star stars war wars prequel prequels skin skins pack packs long longs time times ago agos galaxy galaxies choose chooses skin skins play plays favorite favorites character characters minecraft minecrafts style styles aayla aaylas secura securas adi adis gallia gallias ahsoka ahsokas tano tanos asajj asajjs ventress ventresses bail bails organon organa queen queens amidala, amidala,S battle battles dress dresses droid droids c-3po c-3pos beru berus whitesun whitesuns lar lars boss bosses nass nasses cad cads bane banes captain captains panaka panakas typho typhos clone clones rex rexes commander commanders cody codies gree grees count counts dooku dookus darth darths maul mauls general generals grievous grievous senator senators padmé padmé geonosi geonoses hondo hondos ohnaka ohnakas infantry infantries jango jangos fett fetts anakin anakins skywalker, skywalker,S jedi jedis knight knights obi-wan obi-wans kenobi, kenobi,S master masters kashyyyk kashyyyks trooper troopers ki-adi-mundi ki-adi-mundis kit kits fisto fistos lama lamas su sus mace maces windu windus magna magnas guard guards ma mas amedda ameddas mother mothers talzin talzins naboo naboos throne thrones room rooms nute nutes gunray gunrays owen owens peasant peasants disguise disguises phase phases pilot pilots plo plos koon koons poggle poggles lesser lessers qui-gon qui-gons jinn jinns savage savages opress opresses security securities palpatine palpatines shaak shaaks ti tis tion tions medon medons wat wats tambor tambors watto wattos zam zams wesell wesells minecraft minecrafts
Get this skin pack!
490Play Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!
Minecraft did a great job creating Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack for the community.
Minecraft presets Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... The Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack is now available. Choose from over 50 skins and play as some of your favorite Star Wars characters, Minecraft style.. Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack is a Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace Skin Packs (DLC) that can be purchased in Minecraft for 490 Minecoins.
Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack is not free to download, support the Minecraft Creator community by buying this Skin Packs in Minecraft Bedrock if you like the look of it!
This Skin Packs was created by Minecraft and is available since September 12, 2017 3:00 PM. The last released version is 1.0.4 and is compatible with Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
With an average 4.7 out of 5 star rating (an excellent rating!), Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack is a insanely popular Skin Packs on the Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace... players are in love with this skin pack!
Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack includes a bonus 52 Minecraft Skins! Play as Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress, Bail Organa, Queen Amidala, Battle Dress, Battle Droid on C-3PO, Beru Whitesun Lars, Boss Nass, C-3PO on Battle Droid, Cad Bane, Captain Panaka, Captain Typho, Clone Captain Rex, Clone Commander Cody, Clone Commander Gree, Commander Battle Droid, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, General Grievous, Senator Padmé Amidala, Geonosis, Hondo Ohnaka, Infantry Battle Droid, Jango Fett, Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, Kashyyyk Trooper, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, Lama Su, Mace Windu, Magna Guard, Mas Amedda, Mother Talzin, Queen Amidala, Naboo Throne Room, Nute Gunray, Owen Lars, Padmé Amidala, Peasant Disguise, Phase I Clone Trooper, Pilot Battle Droid, Padmé Amidala, Pilot Disguise, Plo Koon, Poggle the Lesser, Qui-Gon Jinn, Savage Opress, Security Battle Droid, Senator Palpatine, Shaak Ti, Tion Medon, Wat Tambor, Watto, Zam Wesell in Minecraft!
Science Fiction, Space, Movie and information for parents: This skin pack is part of the Minecraft Marketplace and can be purchased through the Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace. If you have any questions about this product, please contact the Minecraft directly. For more information on parental controls in Minecraft, please visit the official Minecraft website to read the handy Minecraft Parents' Guide.