Backrooms Visitors

Backrooms Visitors is a Minecraft skin pack created by Virtual Pinata for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

Virtual Pinata has created a great skin pack called Backrooms Visitors.

Players are in love with this skin pack , earning an excellent average rating of 4.7 stars.

β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…   😍   4.7 (7 ratings)

Virtual Pinata earned an average rating of 4.7 for Backrooms Visitors!

Virtual Pinata

In this bewildering and terrifying world, you will become Creatures worthy of nightmares. This Skin pack will transform your appearance into abominations of the Space between worlds, fusing monstrous forms with a glitchy aesthetic!

Backrooms Visitors by Virtual Pinata

Get this skin pack!
Minecoins 310

Play Backrooms Visitors on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!

Virtual Pinata did a great job creating Backrooms Visitors for the community.

Skins included (16)

Complete your Backrooms Visitors experience with skins such as Glitch Plague, Glitch Shadow, and Smily!

Glitch Smily
Glitch Eyevil
Glitch Morphus
Glitch Plague
Glitch Shadow
Glitch Tusk
Glitch Anomaly
Glitch Demonic


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SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital



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Backrooms Visitors has the following product ID: 434db304-ecfa-4801-af0a-e29f4ca556dc

This website is an aggregator of Minecraft Bedrock Edition content. We do not host any Minecraft content (worlds, add-ons, skins, textures, etc.) on this website. is not affiliated or endorsed by Mojang AB or Microsoft Inc. Mojang and Minecraft are trademarks of Mojang AB.
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