Vampires Curse

Vampires Curse is a Minecraft skin pack created by Hourglass Studios for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

Hourglass Studios has created a great skin pack called Vampires Curse.

Players are in love with this skin pack , earning an excellent average rating of 4.4 stars.

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Hourglass Studios earned an average rating of 4.4 for Vampires Curse!

Hourglass Studios

Red eyes, dark clothing, abominations from the deep dwelling crypts with sharp fangs haunt the night! Join these undead nightmares as you rule the darkness of your manor or creepy castle!

Vampires Curse skin pack with 8 soul sucking vampire skins!
Wear stylish clothes with these demonic beings!
1 free character!

By: Hourglass Studios

Vampires Curse by Hourglass Studios

Get this skin pack!
Minecoins 160

Play Vampires Curse on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!

Hourglass Studios did a great job creating Vampires Curse for the community.


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Vampires Curse has the following product ID: 8b25a389-110c-40cb-a5e4-ca416bc3ac9a

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