Caverns of Chaos

Caverns of Chaos is a Minecraft map created by 4J Studios for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

4J Studios has created a popular world called Caverns of Chaos.

Players are in love with this world , earning an excellent average rating of 4.4 stars.

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4J Studios earned an average rating of 4.4 for Caverns of Chaos!

4J Studios

Save the village! A horde of corrupted monsters and plotting pillagers lurk in the cavernous dungeon below. As you delve deeper into their ancient fortress, you'll unearth dangerous secrets this village would like to forget...

5 sprawling dungeon floors
3 intense boss battles
12 hidden music discs
10 villagers to rescue
Custom dungeon mobs and monsters

Caverns of Chaos by 4J Studios

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Minecoins 990

Play Caverns of Chaos on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!

4J Studios did a great job creating Caverns of Chaos for the community.


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SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital



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Caverns of Chaos on the Minecraft Marketplace by 4j-studios
Super Retro on the Minecraft Marketplace by 4j-studios
Scotland's Clans and Castles on the Minecraft Marketplace by 4j-studios
Seasons in the City on the Minecraft Marketplace by 4j-studios

Caverns of Chaos has the following product ID: 1fbdeeed-db76-4775-a91a-cfb870fd1dc2

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