Take the L

Take the L is a Minecraft piece of content created by 5 Frame Studios for the official Minecraft Marketplace! Learn more about this on Bedrock Explorer:

5 Frame Studios has created a great character creator piece called Take the L.

Take the L on the Minecraft Marketplace by

Launched on December 3, 2024

5 Frame Studios

Tags: 5 frame studios 5 frame studio 5 frame studios
Wear this persona item!
Minecoins 160

Play Take the L on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition!

5 Frame Studios did a great job creating Take the L for the community.


Secure your own world! Learn More

SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital
SECURITY++ Add-On on the Minecraft Marketplace by 57Digital



by 57Digital

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5 frame studios

5 frame studio

5 frame studios

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Take the L has the following product ID: d731441e-0520-40c6-b120-86e0ef3a6d2d

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